Architectural Engineering
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OverviewSalary and DebtIs a Bachelor's EnoughCareersSchoolsRelated ProgramsGenderRace/Origin
Architectural engineering is a program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of materials, systems, and methods used to construct and equip buildings intended for human habitation or other purposes.
School with the highest reported median starting salary ($72K) with a Bachelor's Degree: Auburn University
Career with the highest median salary ($441K) where most workers have a Bachelor's Degree: Physicians
Explore Pathways
Careers for program graduates
Architectural engineering majors work in these careers, which are sized by percentage of majors in the career (at least 1%) and colored by the predominant level of education.
Civil EngineersConstruction ManagersSpecialized ManagersSpecialized EngineersMechanical EngineersArchitectural and Engineering ...ArchitectsGraphic DesignersChief executives and legislato...Electrical and electronics eng...Project Management SpecialistsPostsecondary TeachersCost EstimatorsSoftware DevelopersSpecialized DesignersSpecialized DraftersWholesale and Manufacturing Sa...Retail SalespersonsManagement Analysts
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Current completions
What level of degree do most graduates achieve, and do they match what your goals?
05001K2KBachelor's DegreePostbaccalaureate CertMaster's DegreeResearch Doctorate
Completions over time
Have completions for architectural engineering changed over time? Increasing completions may mean you'll likely have an easier time finding a school that offers this degree, with the opposite being true as well.
Show percentages
Number of graduates
Research Doctorate
Master's Degree
Postbaccalaureate Cert
Bachelor's Degree
Associate's Degree
Salary and Debt
How are students who recently completed a degree in architectural engineering doing?
Below is the distribution of starting salaries along with accumulated federal and private education loans across schools that offer the degree.
Median starting salaries
Median cumulative loan amount
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Context: median salaries
How does the median (middle) salary for architectural engineering majors compare to the median salaries for other college majors?
Distribution: architectural engineering majors' salaries by education level
What is the salary distribution for graduates with a bachelor's inarchitectural engineering by the level of their highest degree (Graduate degrees may not be in the same field as the bachelor’s)
We only include salary data when the survey error is less than 20%, so you may see only partial information for some categories.
Is a bachelor's degree all you need?
Education level of workers with a bachelor's in architectural engineering
Is a bachelor's degree going to be sufficient to make you competative in the job market? We can look at the education level of workers with a bachelors in this degree to see if there is a likely need for a graduate degree. You'll also want to check out the careers section on this page to where they are employed.
This chart shows the level of education of workers with a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering. The worker's graduate degree may have been completed in a different field.
Education level of workers
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Professional Degree
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Context: Graduate degrees in any field by undergraduate ACS degree
About 31% of architectural engineering majors chose to also earn a graduate degree (possibly of a different major). The percentage of architectural engineering majors who also earned a graduate degree is higher than about 62% of other fields.
Context: Percentage salary boost obtained with a graduate degree
How important is a graduate degree for earning a higher salary? We can see the difference in salary of workers with a bachelors in this degree to workers with a bachelor’s AND a graduate degree.
10%17%0%10%20%30%40%50%Bachelor's to Master'sBachelor's to Doctorate
Top careers for those with a degree in architectural engineering
Following are the most frequent jobs held by people who earned a bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering, though may not be limited to just those with a bachelor’s.
  1. Civil Engineers
  2. Construction Managers
  3. Specialized Managers
  4. Specialized Engineers
  5. Mechanical Engineers
  6. Architectural and Engineering Managers
  7. Architects
  8. Graphic Designers
  9. Chief executives and legislators
  10. Electrical and electronics engineers
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Careers for architectural engineering majors
Where do architectural engineering majors work, and how well do those jobs pay? A ** in the job title indicates that the Department of Education recommends this job for this program.
Not so much?
The top ten careers for workers with a bachelor's in architectural engineering
Take a minute to interact with this sankey diagram. Follow the top ten jobs held by architectural engineering graduates through to their most hired majors. Learn where it may easiest to find work. Expand the careers to explore other majors that might lead to the job that excites you the most. *For many majors, the top ten jobs don't even include half of graduates!*
Expand careers
Civil EngineersConstruction Manager...Specialized ManagersSpecialized Engineer...Mechanical EngineersArchitectural and En...ArchitectsGraphic DesignersChief executives and...Electrical and elect...All othersThis degreeTop 10 Careers
What careers hire architectural engineering majors as one of their top 10?
To the left of this diagram, see all careers that hire architectural engineering majors as one of their top 10 majors, and on the right, see what proportion of openings for the jobs on the left are filled by architectural engineering majors.
Architectural EngineeringAll other degreesCivil EngineersAll other careersDegreeDegree in top 10 employed
Where can I complete this degree
Explore schools that offer architectural engineering degrees and certificates
You can use this table to find schools that offer this program based on location and program level offered. Each entry goes to a school page similar to this one with all our information about that school.
Understanding the columns

The school list includes a few facts about each school that give you an idea of the educational quality each school might offer:

  • Student-Faculty Ratio: A small number of students per full-time instructor suggests individual attention for each student and an up-to-date curriculum.

  • Satisfaction Rate: A high percentage of returning first-year students should correlate with satisfaction (schools call this their retention rate).

  • Repayment Rate: A high repayment rate means most alumni earn enough to make progress repaying loans within 7 years of leaving.

We also show the total enrollment for the school as measured by full-time-equivalent (FTE) students enrolled annually.

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Offering this program at this level
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200 Miles
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Related Programs
Top 10 similar programs
Following are related programs, ordered by those with the highest number of completions. You can explore a full list by pressing the more details button.
  1. Mechanical Engineering
  2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Chemical Engineering
  5. Computer Engineering
  6. Biomedical Engineering
  7. Engineering
  8. Industrial Engineering
  9. Aerospace and Astronautical/Space Engineering
  10. Materials Engineering
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Careers for architectural engineering majors
architectural engineering is part of a larger collection of programs: Engineering. Is there a different program that's close to architectural engineering that might be a better match for your interests? You can use this table to see a little about the programs that fall under this umbrella. If you click on any of the table headers, that will sort the table by that column, or click on a row and see Ididio's profile for that program.
Gender of recent graduates
Of all people with any degree in architectural engineering earned in the last academic year, 37% were women.
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Completions over time
Have completions by gender changed over time, or at specific levels of education?
Award level
All levels
02004006008001K1KNumber of graduates200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019
Context: Gender representation
How does the gender distribution in this major compare to all other majors?
Context: Percentage women
This major has a lower percentage of women than 69% other programs.
Distribution: salaries by gender
Does gender greatly influence your salary with this degree? The closer the bar are, the less discrepancy there is.
Context: Salary inequity
For architectural engineering graduates, men have a 19% higher median salary than women, This is near the middle of salary differentials within each program's graduates.
Race/Origin of recent graduates
Here is an overview of race/origin for all architectural engineering graduates from this last academic year. We found a higher percentage of international graduates in this program than in 78% of other programs.
Pacific Islander
American Indian
Not Reported
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Completions over time
Have completions by race/origin changed over time, or at specific levels of education?
Award level
All levels
02004006008001K1KNumber of graduates200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019
Not Reported
American Indian
Pacific Islander
Context: Percentage of Minority Graduates
Minority students comprise a lower percentage of graduates than in 75% of other programs.