Low-Observables and Stealth Technology
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Low-observables and stealth technology is a program that focuses on the application of electromagnetic field theory, electro-optics and materials science to the reduction of radar, optical and acoustic signatures of weapons systems. includes instruction in computational electromagnetics, electro-optics, acoustics, guided wave theory, radiation capture, antenna applications in layered environments, material characterization, radar cross-section analysis, sonar signature analysis, non-destructive testing, remote sensing, and applications to specific weapons systems and operational environments.
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    The school list includes a few facts about each school that give you an idea of the educational quality each school might offer:

    • Student-Faculty Ratio: A small number of students per full-time instructor suggests individual attention for each student and an up-to-date curriculum.

    • Satisfaction Rate: A high percentage of returning first-year students should correlate with satisfaction (schools call this their retention rate).

    • Repayment Rate: A high repayment rate means most alumni earn enough to make progress repaying loans within 7 years of leaving.

    We also show the total enrollment for the school as measured by full-time-equivalent (FTE) students enrolled annually.

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