Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
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OverviewProgramsCostsResearchStudent BodySchool Finances
Founded in 1988, Academy for Five Element Acupuncture is located in a midsized city with a population at least 100,000, but less than 250,000. It is in the Gainesville FL area.
305 Se 2 Nd Ave
Gainesville, FL 32601
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Institutional Control
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture is a private not-for-profit organization.
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Accreditation provides important oversight over a school's instructional practices and institutional stability.
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture holds an accreditation from one of the national accreditors. Credits earned from the national accreditors are often not accepted by schools holding the more prestigious regional accreditation, and it's important to verify that your credits will transfer if you are considering an eventual switch to another school.
Accreditation History
Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Accredited May 4, 1998 - present)
  • The accreditation was recently renewed on February 25, 2017.
  • The next accreditation review is scheduled for February 28, 2024.
Master's Degree offerings at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of acupuncture, a Chinese system of health care and healing based on the use of pulse diagnosis, acupuncture point selection, and needle insertion, as well as herbs and other Asian treatment modalities. Includes instruction in basic Western medical sciences, Asian philosophy, Chinese medical anatomy and physiology, Chinese herbs, diagnostic techniques, patient observation and communication, acupuncture points and point selection, acupuncture techniques, acupuncture treatment of disease, pain management, practice management, and professional standards and ethics
Note: The name and definition of this program are based on Department of Education CIP code descriptions, which ensures uniform reporting across schools in the US. Please check this school's website for detailed program information and their specific course descriptions._
Choose how to look at program completions
By Level
By Race/Origin
By Gender
Completions in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine by award level
0102030Number of graduates2010201120122013201420152016201720182019
Master's Degree
Recently College Scorecard released data on starting salaries and cumulative federal student debt for each school/program combination with sufficient graduates to allow for privacy concerns with data releases. Shown in the box plots below are data for all schools offering alternative and complementary medicine and medical systems (which may contain several related fields) by award level. If a value is reported for Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, then that is shown in blue.
Starting Salaries
Cumulative Federal Student Loan Debt
Graduate general costs
Here's a quick summary of costs to attend Academy for Five Element Acupuncture. You will find the most up-to-date information at their website for admissions.
Annual fees
Annual tuition
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Historic Annual Costs
This chart shows an inflation-adjusted view of the costs for general full-time graduate students over time. The shading reflects charges within your comparison group over the same time period. Private and public universities' charges are difficult to compare due to the in- and out-of-state structure of public universities, and therefore we only compare Academy for Five Element Acupuncture to other private schools within your chosen comparison group.
Graduate Assistantships at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
Keep in mind that many graduate programs fund or partially fund their students through teaching, research, or other graduate assistantships. Some programs have provided graduate financial aid information that you can check for in the Programs section on this page. If we don't have that data, be sure to inquire with the academic department that interests you and do not assume you would have to pay full tuition for an academic graduate degree.
We believe that Academy for Five Element Acupuncture does not offer assistantships to its graduate students. We calculated this percentage by dividing the number of graduate assistantships offered at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture by its number of full-time-equivalent graduate students.
Graduate tuition, fees, books, and supplies over time
Chart explanation
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
On the blue curve, we see how the published annual cost to attend Academy for Five Element Acupuncture has changed over the years.
Context Schools
The shading shows the spread of the annual cost for the context schools. The dark shading shows the middle 50% of context schools, and the light shading shows all but the smallest and largest 10%.
Customize your context group using the gear at the top of the page!
The library is the backbone of academic learning and research

A rigorous academic program requires that students and faculty alike are engaging in independent research, and that activity requires strong library support. You can get some useful information here:

  • How strong and how balanced between traditional physical books and easily-accessed (but expensive) electronic journals and other resources is this library?
  • How much is this library borrowing from other libraries? The number of interlibrary loans received can indicate the school's commitment to getting the resources on-campus researchers need, and also of the research activity on campus.
  • How big a resource is this library to other libraries? A large number of outgoing interlibrary loans speaks highly of the value of its content.

The presence of a library in and of itself is a good thing. Increasingly, libraries are comfortable and inviting spaces for individual and group study sessions. Librarians can be incredibly friendly guides in your quest to find materials that aid your learning.

Comparison of library resources per student
How do the per-student library resources at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture compare to other schools?
Comparison of library loans per student
A small library could make up for a small collection by allowing a large number of interlibrary loans to be received. An excellent library can show its strength by its number of loans given.
Research funding: the best indicator of post-baccalaureate academic rigor
Any school that reports at least $150,000 in research and development expenditures in a given year should have submitted out the Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) survey to the National Science Foundation (NSF). We did not find HERD data for $Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, so there would at most modest graduate-level academic scholarship campus-wide.
Student Body
Study Types
All students are full-time. No students take distance education courses.
Online classes
Context: Student body size
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture enrolled 90 students over the past academic year. The the student body size is smaller than almost all the context schools.
Gratduate student gender
Is the gender balance of Academy for Five Element Acupuncture students important to you? You can see the breakdown in this donut chart.
Gratduate student race/origin
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture reports that 19% of students are minority, which is less than 99% of the context schools. With 3% international students, this school additionally has a lower percentage of international students than 91% of the context schools.
Not Reported
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Context: Gender Balance
It is very difficult for many types of schools to achieve a gender balance, and this context is valuable in evaluating the balance at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture.
Context: Percentage of women
With 88% women students, Academy for Five Element Acupuncture has a higher percentage of women than 99% of context schools.
Context: Student race/origin
Here is how Academy for Five Element Acupuncture compares to the rest of the context group in terms of diversity in the student race and origin.
2%76%7%10%2%3%0%20%40%60%80%Pacific IslanderAmerican IndianMultiracialBlackNot ReportedInternationalHispanicAsianWhite
Student age distribution
Graduate students' ages may vary a lot from program to program, and we can only provide this statistic as a total for all graduate programs. In general, if the colors in the time chart lean towards lighter turquoise, you can surmise that this school is attracting students soon after they've completed their undergraduate degrees.
Age range
65 and over
School Finances
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture: What its budget can tell you about classroom quality
Where a school spends and collects its money can suggest a lot about the educational experience it offers. The tabs below offer a look at spending that is important for the quality of your experience if you attend.
Instructional spending
Student services spending
Context and trends: Instructional expenditures per student
Instructional expenses are primarily the salary and benefits paid to the heart of a school: its full-time instructors. High expenditures in this area suggest care in hiring enough highly qualified full-time faculty to provide personal attention and up-to-date subject-area excellence.
Chart explanation
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
On the blue curve, we see how the instructional expenses per student at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture have changed over the years.
Context Schools
The shading shows the spread of the instructional expenses per student for the context schools. The dark shading shows the middle 50% of context schools, and the light shading shows all but the smallest and largest 10%.
All values have been adjusted for inflation. Customize your context group using the gear at the top of the page!
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Does incoming revenue consistently cover expenses?

Academy for Five Element Acupuncture is a private not-for-profit school. Along with publicly-controlled schools, not-for-profit schools do not have the goal of annual profit, but they do want to have healthy finances with adequate revenue to meet all expenses. On the other hand, private for-profit schools have creating a profit for shareholders as an annual goal.

Total revenue and expenses by category
We divided revenue and expenses for Academy for Five Element Acupuncture into categories to give some insight to what may have influenced peaks and ditches in the chart above. The purple shades correspond most directly to student education. The blue shades, auxiliary expenses and revenue, are often related to room and board. We show investment gains and losses in apricot.
Investment gains
Independent operations revenue
Tuition and fees revenue
Private and capital gifts
Educational sales revenue
Instructional expenses
Student services expenses
Academic support expenses
Institutional support expenses
Other expenses
Not so much?
The power of a large endowment
Related to the previous question of whether the annual revenue stream is stable is the question, "How deep are this school's pockets?" For many schools, a major source of annual income is investment growth. Schools with large endowments have a built-in revenue stream, although you'll see in the accompanying graphs that this revenue stream is highly dependent on the nation's economy. You can choose how to examine the depth of Academy for Five Element Acupuncture's resources by selecting from the buttons below.
Choose asset category
Net Assets
Net Assets Per Student

Here we examine assets at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in context, and it seems most fair to adjust for the size of the institution. We examine the assets per full-time-equivalent student so that we level the playing field for size.

There's a catch to these assets, though. Many gifts to a school's endowment have strings attached; the money is restricted to a specific purpose. Assets shown in green below are unrestricted, and are very important to a school's ability to meet its financial obligations. Some assets are the land and buildings that a school must have in order to function, and these may appear as green (unrestricted assets) but are nonetheless less helpful in meeting annual financial commitments. This look at assets is only a piece of the puzzle as we decide if a school is stable.

Restricted net assets
Unrestricted net assets
Context: 2019 net assets per student