Once you choose your local community college, it’s important to choose your
four-year college or university before you register for your first
freshman course. The chart below will help you find four-year schools
that give transfer
students the best successes. Each dot is a school.
Any school with a green hue has a significant number of transfer
students on campus. Schools near the top have a good track record of graduating
their transfer students, and schools to the right have evidence of career
successes for their alumni. The larger the dot, the greater the per-student
spending on instruction by the college or university.
Have fun exploring these colleges and universities. You can filter the schools
by state or to one of our special groupings. If you hover over a dot,
you’ll learn all about that school, and selecting a school in the
chart will take you to our school page, where you can learn much more about the
college or university. If you like
tables better than graphs, you can swap views. You can also use
our school explorer page to find
colleges and universities that meet your specific needs.
Explore school success with transfer students
Use the selection to restrict the schools to specific classifications
and the US cartogram to filter by state.
Selecting a school will take you to the detailed school page.
The colleges and universities included in the chart above were
required to offer a bachelor’s degree as a core focus:
each school’s undergraduate population could
not be smaller than a
quarter of the graduate population, if present, and the majority of undergraduate degrees
awarded had to be at the bachelor’s level.
The seven-year repayment rate is the percentage of students who attended each
school and used federal student loans who were able to make progress in repaying
the principal on the loan within seven years of graduation. The loan repayment data
is collected by College Scorecard.
We have verified a close correlation between successful loan repayment and
student earnings data as collected by the mammoth college mobility project
conducted by Opportunity Insights. Loan
data has the advantage that it can be observed much more quickly than long-term alumni
earnings data. Schools to the right of the graph have the best repayment success.
The percentage of transfer students who receive any degree within 8 years is
aggregated from IPED’s Outcomes section
for the 2017-2018 academic year. This statistic is inclusive of full-time and part-time
status as well as Pell grant status. Schools at the top of the chart have the best
record in graduating students who transfer in. The dark shading indicates the middle 50% of graduation
rates, and the lightly-shaded regions show the rates for all but the top and bottom 10% of schools.
The percentage of transfer students is also aggregated from IPED’s
Outcomes section for the 2017-2018 academic year. Green-hued dots in the chart correspond to colleges and
universities that admit larger percentages of transfer students. The orange-hued dots may
have more restrictive admissions or less flexibility in making transfer credits apply
towards graduation.
The per-student instructional cost is calculated from IPED’s
Finances and Annual Enrollment sections for the 2017-2018 academic year. High
instructional spending is a hallmark of most selective colleges and universities,
and generally translates to a small student-to-full-time-faculty ratio and
highly qualified faculty. Large dots correspond to colleges and universities with the
highest instructional spending.